Fat & Fuzzy Show

South Coast Miniature Horse Connection 2024 memberships are available now!
Why? The membership fee makes you eligible for year end awards, give you voting privileges, gives you member rates at shows and clinics, helps pay the club’s insurance and hosting of events and AGM. And above all, helps keep the small, local clubs alive.
It only costs $25. / year. Visit our website for membership application. https://scminihorseconnection.ca/about-us/membership/
Friday, March 24 at 7:30
Canfield Community Centre
Guest speaker will be Carolyn Aarup of Dakota Winds Farm. Carolyn is both owner and trainer at her facility and will be speaking to us about many forms of driving available for the miniature horse world over and above ‘just around the farm’ and at local fairs. She will open out eyes to the world of VSE driving through some of the events and clinics available while explaining what is entailed for the different classes.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Refreshments provided.
Saturday, November 12 at 6:30 pm
Canfield Community Hall
It’s a Pot Luck so bring your friends, family and especially your favorite dish to share!
We’ll be presenting our yearend awards as well as drawing the winners from our fundraising raffle.
A great time to socialize with the mini community and toss around ideas for the next year!
Please RSVP before November 6 via email to info@scminihorseconnection.ca letting us know how many will be attending and whether you’ll be bringing appetizer, main course or dessert.
SCMHC Horse Show
Saturday, August 20 at Caledonia Fairgrounds
Stay tuned for more information!
South Coast Miniature Horse Connection
Hike with a Mini July 9th at 10:00am
Location: Short Hill Park – 2835 Eller Road RR1 Fonthill
Arrive at 10:00 am – Hike starts at 10:30am and ends 11:30am
Gather around for BBQ 12:00pm
Hot Dogs, Hamburgers (Vegan upon request), Pop, Water
Cost: $5.00 per person must be paid in advance to
If you have any question please contact
Karl at klegrand@sympatico.ca
Start time has been changed to 9 am. Please plan on being there to sign in prior to 9.
SCMHC Driving Clinic
Registration closes at 12 noon on Monday, May 2. If you’re planning on attend and haven’t yet registered, time is running out! Registration info. available under the Events section.
What better way to start of the year than with a group of minis and handlers out for some fun? No clipping, no show clothes, lots of games and just plain fun!
Saturday, April 23 at West Niagara Fairgounds
For all the information, visit the link at https://scminihorseconnection.ca/events/spring-fuzzy-fun-show/
We are excited to invite you to join us for our Harness Driving Clinic with Carolyn Aarup! Carolyn has a wealth of information to share with both the beginner and seasoned driver. Please join us on Saturday, May 7 from 9 am – 5 pm.
Here’s the link to the agenda and registration information. https://scminihorseconnection.ca/events/harness-driving-clinic/