1st Annual Year End Banquet

Saturday, November 12 at 6:30 pm

Canfield Community Hall

It’s a Pot Luck so bring your friends, family and especially your favorite dish to share!

We’ll be presenting our yearend awards as well as drawing the winners from our fundraising raffle.

A great time to socialize with the mini community and toss around ideas for the next year! 

Please RSVP before November 6 via email to info@scminihorseconnection.ca letting us know how many will be attending and whether you’ll be bringing appetizer, main course or dessert.

August Horse Show

Saturday, August 20, 2022 – 9:00 am sign in, 10:00 am start

Caledonia Fairgrounds

Come join us for the start of the fall show season!

Show is open to registered horses through AMHA, AMHR, WC, Falabella, Falabella Blend

Owners must send proof of registration, current insurance and rabies vaccine at time of registration.

All participants are required to sign a liability waiver. (parent or guardian for youth)

Entry Forms and Class List can be found below.

Pre-registration is required.

Please email to secretary@scminihorseconnection.ca

Deadline to register is noon on Thursday, August 18, 2022

Registration is $5 for members, $10 for non-members, $3 per class

Late registrations will pay an extra $5 plus $3.50 per class

2022 memberships are available for $25.

Non-refundable payment can be made in advance by e-transfer to membership@scminihorseconnection.ca or cash the day of the event.

Beverages and snacks will be available for purchase. Bring your own lunch.

Please enter the grounds at the lower gate by the McKinnon barn.

First Annual

South Coast Miniature Horse Connection

Hike with a Mini July 9th at 10:00am

Location: Short Hill Park – 2835 Eller Road RR1 Fonthill

Arrive at 10:00 am – Hike starts at 10:30am and ends 11:30am

Gather around for BBQ 12:00pm

Hot Dogs, Hamburgers (Vegan upon request), Pop, Water

Cost: $5.00 per person must be paid in advance to


If you have any question please contact

Karl at klegrand@sympatico.ca


With all the horses starting to itch and rub at their winter coats, one area that starts to look messy is the tail! Send in your pictures of the MESSIEST TAIL for a chance to win! Contest is open to all SCMHC members in good standing. Each members may submit up to 2 photos. Send your photos to info@scminihorseconnection.ca . They’ll be posted on our website so keep checking back to it to see the submissions. Contest closes February 18 after which all members will be invited to vote for their favorites! Winner will be announced on February 25 and prize awarded at our FAT AND FUZZY SHOW in April!
Not a member yet? Membership registration is available through the website at scminihorseconnection.ca .

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